Brett Boadway—Chief Operating Officer, IBAO
The new year marked the start of another three-year cycle and a new strategic plan for IBAO with new and approved priorities for you—our members. The IBAO has chosen to invest and evolve key resources in the strategic pillars you know and love already. These include:
- Licensing & Education
- Advocacy
- Promoting the Broker Value Proposition
While we will continue to work on these areas, we are also increasing focus on new priority areas that are reflective of our current reality. These new priority areas include:
- Supporting an inclusive community where members are proud to belong
- Consumer and industry insights—data, data, data
- Building on our early wins in recruitment and retention of new talent into the broker channel.
We’ve also updated our vision and mission statements.
New IBAO Vision
A broker distribution channel that provides the best choice for consumers and carriers.
New IBAO Mission
Strengthen the broker distribution channel by ensuring brokers have access to the resources they need to succeed.
IBAO board of directors and staff are inspired to begin working on these efforts now that the development process is complete. Our priorities are clear, and we know what we need to do—and what we don’t. It keeps the discussion grounded.
Of course, our priorities aren’t written in stone. Today, we’ve made critical choices about retaining member value, but we know the risk of missing important changes in a quickly evolving marketplace. Change is happening quickly at this point in history. We are committed to our current strategy, and we are also agile enough to move outside our comfort zone to support our members best. A constant test of our logic and planning is in place, including two-way communication from you.
Please stay engaged and keep us informed. We’re counting on it.