
This year brokers have persevered through challenges both professionally and in some cases perhaps personally. We all have to some degree.

But the value brokers provide their clients has been brought to the forefront, with insurance now part of mainstream conversation and consumers needing expert advice en masse like no other time. It’s this spotlight we want to capitalize on with our new #OntarioBrokers campaign.

Designed to highlight all the ways brokers have gone above and beyond to help their clients and communities in this unprecedented year, #WeShowUp showcases brokers at their best: pitching in within their communities, assisting clients in need and demonstrating their expertise.

To stand out among current corporate communications—predominantly serious and reserved— we’ve opted to create a colourful and at times lighthearted campaign. Built in-part from broker-submitted content, #WeShowUp captures the positivity that brokers have been and continue to approach their work with in 2020.

Designed to highlight all the ways brokers have gone above and beyond to help their clients and communities in this unprecedented year, #WeShowUp showcases brokers at their best.