Leveraging Demographics—The Family Mode Segment

March 6, 2024

When people cite the quote “data is the new oil” they usually mean that data is now the most valuable commodity, but that’s not what that quote originally meant. What Mathematician Clive Humby was getting at, was that oil has value but it’s unusable until it’s been refined.

With that in mind, we wanted to give you some data that’s already been refined and a kind of road map of where you might want it to take you. Consumer Data Reports are available for free to IBAO Members so you can learn more about the demographics in your area and in turn, position your services, target your marketing and expand your business.

Reports are broken down into 79 trade areas or geographic locations across Ontario. Each report outlines demographics using the PRIZM Segmentation System highlighting 67 unique segments based on demographics, lifestyle and values.

Media companies regularly work with PRIZM segments, so you can mention which segments you’re targeting during your media planning process. PRIZM can identify which magazines and newspapers your target consumers read, as well as the TV shows, radio channels and websites they prefer. For direct marketing, you can define selection criteria for targeted mailing lists.

To demonstrate how else this knowledge can be utilized, we’ll be sharing a few profiles and suggesting a few tactics to approach them.

The Family Mode Segment

Suburban, upscale middle-aged families

This is one of the largest segments in Canada and can be found in many parts of Ontario, particularly in mid-size cities. It’s made up of large, suburban families who typically live in newer single-detached houses. Parents are between 35–54 with children over the age of 5. These adults carry high school and often college educations, and typically have a variety of blue-collar jobs. They fill their garages with sports equipment and frequently purchase recreational vehicles including boats and campers for their family vacations.

Suggested Tactics 

  • Get involved in local events and teams through sponsorship, volunteering or financial contribution—these families are likely playing sports, belong to local groups and clubs and are active in their communities.
  • Consider print mailers—they’re delivered more reliably to detached houses than to apartments and condos.
  • Ask them about any recreational vehicles they might have or are considering purchasing to insure they’re properly protected. Include cottages in the conversation.
  • Target this segment on Facebook and Instagram—these platforms have great reach with this age range.
  • Tell your media buying company (newspaper, digital ad buyers, etc.) that you are targeting this PRIZM segment
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