Building Solutions for Commercial Auto Clients

May 23, 2024

With Derrick MacDonaldInsurance Broker & Driver Verified Founder 

Frustrated with the insurance challenges for his commercial auto clients, this broker decided to build solutions. 

Finding insurance coverage for commercial auto clients can be tough. Was there a difficult moment that inspired you to look for solutions? 

Every broker has a story about the difficulties of adding drivers to commercial policies. We can all relate to a client sending in a driver’s name and license number to add them to a commercial policy—now the fun begins! Is this client IRCA or fleet rated? Where are the documents required to prove the experience to meet a filed rule or underwriting guideline such as a Letter of Experience (LOE) from an insurer, current MVR or CVORDR, work experience? Each case is a unique challenge. 

You’ve developed a company called Driver Verified—what’s that about?  

Driver Verified provides driver and company risk management solutions, connecting drivers, employers and insurers so they can have the data they need to make informed decisions. Our Driver Verified platform allows drivers and owner-operators to store all of their insurance documents, training certificates, vehicle information and all relevant documents for an employer or insurer to onboard a driver. Other documents such as driver abstracts, CVORDRs and background checks can be pulled through our site. The driver should have this information but typically they don’t, and this creates a problem in verifying experience.  

We partnered with the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) to create the new Heavy G Driver Training Program, launched January 2024. This is a solution to solve a training and eligibility gap for those trucks that have a gross vehicle weight between 4,500–11,000 kgs that can be driven with a G-class license in Ontario. The feedback so far has been extremely positive from insureds and insurers.  

Can you share examples of how Driver Verified has helped a client? 

A recent farm client called and his 20-year-old son had just completed an AZ training program. We had his son complete a Driver Verified profile that included a LOE from the farm business insurer that showed experience driving heavy equipment, their AZ training certificate and a current MVR and CVORDR. The underwriter was impressed with the information provided in one concise report, and it painted a picture that this was a competent driver. We were able to provide a solution for the client that met their needs. 

Another example is our new Heavy G Driver Training Program in partnership with the TTSAO. A business operating heavy vehicles that can be driven with a G-class license met with their insurer and implemented the program for all their current drivers as part of their onboarding process for new hires. Training includes a road test done by a TTSAO-certified trainer. This gave the insurer comfort that drivers were being properly trained and that a third party was road-testing drivers. 

What advice do you have for brokers who are looking for solutions for their commercial auto and trucking clients?  

Look to Driver Verified to help save time and money with the onboarding and eligibility process. By using the Driver Verified platform you can educate your clients and their drivers on the information required to speed up the task of adding drivers.  

What’s next?  

Driver Verified’s long-term goal is to create a data base of driver information, improve the onboarding process and create other risk management programs. The future of insurance isn’t about the antiquated LOE, but the data and training that prevent accidents from occurring. Better drivers, safer roads and improved loss ratios.  

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